Gas bør ikke bruges som magtmiddel
 i fængselsceller og andre små rum


Af advokat Claus Bonnez, Landsforeningen KRIM

27. april 2008
Den europæiske torturkomite henstiller i sin 13. generelle rapport om komiteens aktiviteter om, at der ikke bør anvendes gas til pacificering af urolige personer, der opholder sig i celler eller andre rum, der er meget små. Dette begrunder komiteen med, at det indebærer alvorlig risiko for den indsattes og personalets helbred. Komiteen anbefaler, at man bruger andre midler til at pacificere urolige indsatte.

Henstillingen findes i præmis 38 i "European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) 13th General Report on the CPT's activities covering the period 1 January 2002 to 31 July 2003", der udkom 10. september 2003 i Strasbourg.

Henstillingen gengives uforkortet umiddelbart nedenfor:
  "....38. Two particular points were of concern to the CPT after visits to certain countries: the wearing of masks by deportation escorts and the use, by the latter, of incapacitating or irritant gases to remove immigration detainees from their cells in order to transfer them to the aircraft.

In the CPT’s opinion, security considerations can never serve to justify escort staff wearing masks during deportation operations. This practice is highly undesirable, since it could make it very difficult to ascertain who is responsible in the event of allegations of ill-treatment.

The CPT also has very serious reservations about the use of incapacitating or irritant gases to bring recalcitrant detainees under control in order to remove them from their cells and transfer them to the aircraft. The use of such gases in very confined spaces, such as cells, entails manifest risks to the health of both the detainee and the staff concerned. Staff should be trained in other control techniques (for instance, manual control techniques or the use of shields) to immobilise a recalcitrant detainee. ..."