Jan Henrik må ikke bruge isolationsafdelingens kondirum

De europæiske fængselsregler anser det for vigtigt, at indsatte kan dyrke sport og motion under afsoningen. Af §§ 27, nr. 3 til 27, nr. 7 i reglerne fremgår følgende:
"27.3 Properly organised activities to promote physical fitness and provide for adequate exercise and recreational opportunities shall form an integral part of prison regimes.

27.4 Prison authorities shall facilitate such activities by providing appropriate installations and equipment.

27.5 Prison authorities shall make arrangements to organise special activities for those prisoners who need them.

27.6 Recreational opportunities, which include sport, games, cultural activities, hobbies and other leisure pursuits, shall be provided and, as far as possible, prisoners shall be allowed to organise them.

27.7 Prisoners shall be allowed to associate with each other during exercise and in order to take part in recreational activities."

Det er således i strid med de europæiske fængselsregler, når Jan Henrik nægtes at bruge kondirummet, idet han har krav på "appropriate installations and equipment".

Billedet fra "Nyt fra Kriminalforsorgen" viser en typisk observationscelle fra et dansk fængsel.

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